Staying Healthy in University (from the perspective of nutrition students)


Since I've been out of school for a while now, I thought it would give an interesting perspective to have my 2 summer volunteer students write about their tips for staying healthy as they enter their (demanding) 3rd and 4th year of the Honors Specialization in Nutrition & Dietetics program at Western University.

Staying Healthy in University (from the perspective of nutrition students)2020-11-05T15:28:11-04:00

My 6 Favourite On-The-Go Breakfasts!


I get that many people consider breakfast to be their least favourite meal of the day, and often do not eat it. Whether they aren’t hungry that early, don’t have the time, or don’t like breakfast food, there are many excuses that prevent people from eating what’s arguably the most important meal of the day.

My 6 Favourite On-The-Go Breakfasts!2020-11-05T15:28:11-04:00

5 Tips To Start 2017 On A Healthy Note


Happy New Year! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, filled with quality family time, delicious food, and lots of relaxation. I’m sure that most of us (including myself) are still feeling a little sluggish after the holidays and trying to find the motivation to get back into an old or start a new healthy routine.

5 Tips To Start 2017 On A Healthy Note2020-11-05T15:28:11-04:00

What Does A Dietitian Eat In A Day?


I often get asked by clients and friends what I eat in a day. The truth is, I eat differently almost every day. I definitely have my go-to meals and snacks, but what I eat depends on what groceries I have at home, how busy my schedule is, if I'm working out, what I'm craving, the weather, and many other factors.

What Does A Dietitian Eat In A Day?2020-11-05T15:28:11-04:00
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